Classics Ireland volume 30 (2023) is now published and available for download.
- Mariamne Briggs, “Lactantius’ Commentary and the Tale of Harmonia’s Necklace in the Middle Irish Translation of Statius’ Thebaid, 2.265-305”, 1-22.
- Caolán Mac An Aircinn, “Exploring Knowledge and Translation in In Cath Catharda”, 23-35.
- Jim Kertis and Paul Robertson, “Moral Laundering between Medieval Christianity and Irish Folktale: Merugud Uilixis Meic Leirtis and the Looted Gold of Troy”, 36-51.
- Brian Arkins, “Greek and Roman Themes in Gogarty”, 52-60.
- Michael Lloyd, “Greek Tragedy in Ireland, 2023: Girl on an Altar by Marina Carr”, 61-65 (Theatre Review).
- Rory O’Sullivan, “Against Narratology: J. Grethlein, Ancient Literary Texts and Modern Narrative Theory”, 66-86 (Review Essay).
- Book Reviews, 87-98.