Classics Ireland vol. 30 (2023) – just published

By | December 3, 2024

Classics Ireland volume 30 (2023) is now published and available for download.

  1. Mariamne Briggs, “Lactantius’ Commentary and the Tale of Harmonia’s Necklace in the Middle Irish Translation of Statius’ Thebaid, 2.265-305”, 1-22.
  2. Caolán Mac An Aircinn, “Exploring Knowledge and Translation in In Cath Catharda”, 23-35.
  3. Jim Kertis and Paul Robertson, “Moral Laundering between Medieval Christianity and Irish Folktale: Merugud Uilixis Meic Leirtis and the Looted Gold of Troy”, 36-51.
  4. Brian Arkins, “Greek and Roman Themes in Gogarty”, 52-60.
  5. Michael Lloyd, “Greek Tragedy in Ireland, 2023: Girl on an Altar by Marina Carr”, 61-65 (Theatre Review).
  6. Rory O’Sullivan, “Against Narratology: J. Grethlein, Ancient Literary Texts and Modern Narrative Theory”, 66-86 (Review Essay).
  7. Book Reviews, 87-98.

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