This is a themed volume: Platonic and Neoplatonic Thought – and Action. Essays in Honour of Andrew Smith, edited by Shane Wallace.
- Tom Seaver, “Andrew Smith: An Appreciation”, 1-4.
- Christopher Strachan, “Hull”, 5-6.
- John A. Madden, “The Galway Years”, 7-10.
- Theresa Urbainczyk, “University College Dublin and Classics Ireland”, 11-14.
- Pat Cronin, “The Irish Institute of Hellenic Studies in Athens”, 15-19.
- Rosalie Moloney, “Classical Tours (1981-1998)”, 20-26.
- Joan Wright, “Classical Association of Ireland Tours (2000-2020)”, 27-32.
- John Dillon, “Andrew Smith and Neoplatonic Studies”, 33-35.
- Colm Shanahan, “Plato’s Democratic Man: Reasoning in the Wrong Direction”, 36-55.
- Vasilis Politis, “Plato’s Seventh Letter: A Close and Dispassionate Reading of the Philosophical Section”, 56-77.
- Robbert M. van den Berg, “Experiencing Beauty: Reading the Symposium and Phaedrus in the Neoplatonic Academy of Athens”, 78-97.
- Anne Sheppard, “Plotinus on Choral Dancing”, 98-109.
- Lloyd P. Gerson, “The Willing of the Good”, 110-125.
- Gerard O’Daly, “Plotinus on Human Willing: The Argument of Ennead VI.8.1-6”, 126-134.
- Suzanne Stern-Gillet, “On Freeing the Embodied Soul: Ennead VI 8 [39] 1-6”, 135-150.
- Deirdre Carabine, “Neoplatonism & Negative Theology: Plotinus and Gregory of Nyssa”, 151-164.
- Paul Kalligas, “Honey from Hymettus: Platonic Philosophy in the Cave of Pan”, 165-196.
- Dominic J. O’Meara, “Philosophos Oikonomos: Household Ethics in Porphyry’s Vita Plotini and in Marinus’ Vita Procli”, 197-210.
- Catherine Kavanagh, “Sacred Space and Sacred Symbol, East and West: Maximus the Confessor, Eriugena and Abbot Suger on Liturgical Space and Function”, 211-236.
- Fran O’Rourke, “Immortality of the Soul in Plato and Aquinas”, 237-260.
- Denis O’Brien, “John cap. xxi: New Light on the Fourth Gospel (Part 1)”, 261-293.
- Book Reviews, 294-308.